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TC Legend Homes—The Resilient Samish Solar Home

Posted on Mar 1, 2024 in:
  • Case Studies

Vital Stats



Location: Bellingham
Star Level: 5-Star, NZE
Checklist: 2021 Single Family/Townhome New Construction

Verifier: Ecoe Company LLC
Builder: TC Legend Homes
Designer: Powerhouse Designs

Site and Water 148
Energy Efficiency 148
Health and Indoor Air Quality 134
Material Efficiency

Equity and Social Justice


  Total Score 687


坐落在一个令人惊叹的5英亩的土地上,依偎在树林里,周围环绕着野花和浆果, 萨米什太阳能之家是一个有弹性的绿洲,适合越来越多的山地自行车爱好者和自然爱好者.

This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2,345平方英尺的独户住宅是为贝灵汉的一个年轻家庭建造的, Washington. 该住宅的主要目标是作为业主的永久住所, even as their needs change over time, 同时为我们不断变化的气候增加了一层弹性. The home was designed to support a growing family, temporary or permanent aging parents, a home office, and ample storage for outdoor recreation gear in the 1,936 square foot garage. 萨米什太阳能住宅还设有一个额外的阳光房在房子的南侧,全年享受阳光.

Sunroom, exterior

除了结构隔热板(SIP)外墙和屋顶外,该住宅还使用柱梁结构系统建造. The double-height, 客厅的拱形天花板为当前的使用提供了良好的采光, 但未来可能会增加地板系统和内墙,把这个四居室的房子变成一个五居室或六居室的房子.

Living room, interior with loft

Sustainable Envelope & Mechanical Details

与石墨注入的SIP墙和屋顶(分别为R-29和R-59)一起工作, triple pane Vinyltek windows, an R-20 insulated slab-on-grade foundation and R-23.6面ICF基础墙帮助完成了Samish太阳能之家的外壳. Due to the sandwich design of SIPs, the envelope of the project started out very airtight, 然而,为了进一步推动密封性并实现ACH为0.27、采用aerocarrier气溶胶密封胶完成空气密封. 该项目还采用了久经考验的TC Legend Homes HVAC模型,结合了Chiltrix CX-34, Fantech Hero 250, and rooftop solar. CX-34热泵机组通过一楼的分区辐射流体循环系统和二楼的风扇盘管装置提供生活热水和空间供暖/制冷. 这些卓越的绝缘材料加上我们的暖通空调系统和严密的外壳,创造了这个高效率和高性能的家.

HVAC System
Home interior, top of stairs over living room

Climate Change Resiliency

With significant south facing windows and shading eaves, 这个房子利用了被动式太阳能供暖和制冷, 当夏天和冬天的温度变得更加极端时,哪种方法可以帮助调节家里的温度. The triple pane, 充满氩气的窗户也有助于形成更好的屏障,抵御室外的极端温度. Since the roof will take the brunt of the solar heat, 安装了Cool Roof认证金属板,通过增加反照率来进一步防止房屋在夏季过热. Fantech Hero 250 HRV通过内置HEPA过滤器为家庭提供源源不断的新鲜空气. 即使在野火季节的高峰期,这个家也能保持健康的室内空气质量, providing a safe haven for its occupants, friends, and family. The biggest resiliency feature of this home is the 28,000加仑的雨水集水系统,为消防系统和生活用水供水. The rainwater is filtered through a sediment filter, activated carbon filter, and UV filter to ensure it is fit for domestic use. The catchment system, 由于场地可用水的限制,需要哪一种, was significantly upsized in order to add resiliency. 我们认识到未来可能会出现严重的干旱时期, 更大的集水系统将确保家庭有足够的生活用水,并在未来实现自给自足. 低流量和水感标签管道装置也有助于减少水的需求. 房主还选择将屋顶太阳能电池板的尺寸扩大到10英寸.8kw system with Enphase microinverters. 太阳能系统为未来的弹性增加做好了准备,并为家庭提供了比需要更多的电力, 使该项目产生净收益,并允许车主在未来为电动汽车提供动力. 如果未来家庭的能源需求发生变化,也有大量的屋顶区域可以安装额外的太阳能.

Exterior, Silo
Electric vehicle charing port


In designing this home, 对于客户来说,重要的是我们未来为可能需要使用行动辅助设备的老年父母提供证据,并确保他们, themselves, can grow old in the home. This meant designing with the essential spaces, such as the laundry room and kitchen, located on the first floor. 所有的门道也被加宽到3英尺,一楼的淋浴房是无路的,以确保这个家在业主生活的各个阶段都能正常使用. 房子和车库之间没有供暖的走廊提供了一个中央空间, stepless entry point and protection from the elements. 这个空间也可以作为脱鞋区,有一个内置的长凳和衣帽间. At both the main entry and side entry, a stepless large, covered patio was installed, 哪一个可以作为一个奇妙的聚会场所,不受任何限制. Lastly, in a less conventional form of accessibility, Powerhouse Designs将把萨米什太阳能之家的预制计划添加到他们的网站上,这样其他人就可以用更低的前期设计成本建造这个家.

Interior, Bathroom
Interior, breezeway

Embodied Carbon

我们的团队对这个项目进行了具体的碳计算,使用BEAM工具来评估房屋和日光房的材料排放. 材料碳强度模型为141kg CO2e/m^2,优于BEAM报告惯例的平均水平. 在这个项目上计算的排放数据有助于通知TC传奇之家的模型向前发展, 引导材料转换以减少未来项目的排放.

Built Green highlights:

Site and Water

  • All plumbing fixtures are WaterSense certified
  • 3.3 acres of Wetlands on property untouched
  • 28,000 gallon rainwater catchment system


  • Net-positive energy using a 10.8 kW PV array
  • HERS Score = -20
  • Passive solar design
  • DOE Zero-Energy Ready certified
  • Energy Star certified
  • All electric home
  • Energy efficient envelope using SIP walls & roof, ICF & insulated slab on grade
  • Chilltrix air-to-water heat pump for heaintg & cooling with zonal controls
  • Triple-paned Vinyltek Windows (U-values = 0.16-0.17)
  • EV charging ports

Health and Indoor Air Quality

  • Indoor AirPLUS certified
  • 0.27 ACH achieved with SIPs and Aerobarrier
  • Fantech HRV with HEPA filtration
  • Built-in humidity, temperature, and CO2 sensors, plus additional Awair IAQ monitor which measures CO2, humidity, VOC's, particulate matter and temperature
  • 在走廊入口处设有指定的脱鞋和储鞋区
  • All Low-VOC paints, adhesives and sealants
  • No carpet

Materials Efficiency

  • Graphite SIPS walls & ceilings
  • Interior walls advanced framed
  • Leftover materials moved to next project
  • 80% of waste by weight hauled to recycling facility
  • Embodied Carbon calculated
  • GreenGuard Gold certified hardwood flooring
  • Solid wood, domestically grown trim & interior doors
  • Locally made solid cherry cabinets
  • Locally produced Vinyltek windows

Equity & Social Justice

  • Establish a project-specific ESJ plan prior to construction
  • Stepless front entry and side entry
  • Stepless outdoor gathering areas
  • 专为就地老化设计,包括一个无级淋浴,以及一楼的洗衣房
  • All doors on the first floor are 3’ wide
  • All doors utilize lever-style handles

Photo credit: John Trax


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